Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Proposal for Health Promotion Framework
Proposal for Health Promotion FrameworkTopic AlcoholThe purpose is to propose a health promotion frameworkBackground of the political platformAlcohol is one of the topics covered by the health promotion agency. The health promotion agency runs chopines equivalent no beersies, say yeah, nah, levy on alcohol ,dont see? dont revel.these programs have recognized the adverse effects on consumption of alcohol and therefore promote simplification or complete stoppage on its intake . Dont know? Dont drink, focuses on pregnant women or women who have the slightest doubt of being pregnant. There is no cognise safe limit or known safe time which would allow the women to have alcohol without causing harm to the developing fetus. Alcohol crosses the blood champion barrier causing a number of birth defects like low birth weight, distinctive facial features, heart defects, behavior problems, intellectual disability . Dont know? Dont drink is an evidence found program which works in all s ectors adding to health and easily being of the world. This program works by promoting health and intimately being, enabling health promoting initiatives and surrounds, informing health promoting policy and practice. Similarly the other programs like no beersies and say yeah, nah,are giving their contribution towards the reduction of consumption of alcohol. explanationThe intervention recognizes alcohol consumption as a community problem. According to capital of Canada charter, strengthening community actions is defined as expanding the resources and capacities of community to make decision and take collective action to increase their control over determinants of their health.(D.Fry and A.Zak.2016). it gives opportunities to bring the quite a little together of the community. This dejection be done by providing resources by which the people can take decisions and participate collectively.Te pa mahutonga is a health promotion model , promoting the health of maori. It promotes healthy life-styles for the maori population. Alcohol is a find factor in and risk factors impose threat to a healthy lifestyle. A large number of maori population whether young or old is surrounded by the risk laden life style. In order to reduce the risk and to lead a healthy lifestyle, the harm should be minimized, the interventions should be targeted, management of risk, relevance of finis and positive development.(m.durie,1999)This program gives an equal amount of chance of participation and is based on the equity convention whose goal is to create an environment where everyone like people coming from all income group, ethnicity have access to good health.( Tones, K., Tilford, S. 2001)This program gives an exclusive an option of participation thus giving him empowerment, and allowing the individual to take their own decision.The ecumenical and the maori population will be equally benefited if there is equal amount of participation and equal amount of opportunity. This is based on the equity principle of health promotion ..( Tones, K., Tilford, S. 2001)The targeted population is based on equity principleQuestion 9 is also based on te pae mahutongas principle of healthy lifestyles.Ottawa charter explains the principle of Building healthy public policy which that means advocating for, establishing and/or implementing explicit actions by government (international ,national ,state or local). According to Geoffrey Rose, population based interventions have the ability detect the determents of health on a large scale.(2001). Te pae mahutongas principles of healthy lifestyle is also applicable.Question 11 relates to creating supportive environment from ottwa charter, by creating ways and means through which health is supports and protected from any social or environmental hazards.Approach to community falls under the principle of developing personal skills and criteria on lessons for program effectiveness of ottawa charter.Application1) yes. This interve ntion brings the community together through run a promotion and helps the individual in takeing decisions.2) yes. The program does help maori population for better health care but more focus is needed to be given on this as it specifically does not do so.3) yes. The program gives opportunity to ecumenical as well as maori to participate actively .There are equal opportunities for ecumenical and maori population but lock in more focus is to be added on to the maori population considering them as the minority.4) yes5) may be. it will depend on the amount of participation.6) the usual population is more benefited since their involvement is more. Also the promotion strategies used does not show maori involvement, which could be a reason as they cannot relate to it.7) the targeted population, in this representative the pregnant women will be benefited since they will be aware and avoid consumption of alcohol after knowing its ill effects. Dont know? dont drink program focuses on wom en who are pregnant or other women who have the smallest chance of being pregnant. So this program will indeed benefit the targeted population of women.8) yes.9) yes. Programs like no beersies, say yeah,nah, focus on the lifestyle in which people are living. It gives ways and means by which we can avoid having alcohol and cool it be surrounded by the same peers Programs like no beersies and say yeah, nah campaign for the reduction in consumption of alcohol in such a way that they stay in their group and can still avoid drinking alcohol. So a person need not necessarily drink just for being with his mates10) yes. By reducing the intake of alcohol, the amount of drink and drive cases will be reduced thus saving lives.11) yes.12) the program address the people by promoting, enabling and informing13) yes.14) yes. there are on researches which are then later implemented.15) noConclusionOverall it can be seen that most of the programs satisfy the health promotion models of Ottawa charter and te pae mahutonga as well as the principles of health promotion however, there should still be emphasis on maori health approach and on building healthy public health policy.ReferenceD. Fry and A. Zack, (may 19,2016). applying the Ottawa charter to inform health promotion programme design.health promotion international, daw022.Durie, M. (1999, December). Te Pae Mahutonga A model for Maori health promotion. In Health Promotion Forum of New Zealand Newsletter (Vol. 49, no(prenominal) 2-5).Tones, K., Tilford, S. (2001). Health promotion effectiveness, efficiency and equity. Nelson Thornes.Rose, G. (2001). Sick individuals and sick populations. International journal of epidemiology, 30(3), 427-432.AppendixDoes this intervention bring the community together?Does this intervention help the maori population to better health care?Does this program give an equal opportunity of chance to all for participation?Does this intervention give choices to the population?Are the general populatio n and maori population equally benefited?Who is most benefited?How will this intervention benefit the targeted population?Is this intervention accessible?Does this intervention focus on altering the lifestyle in which people are living?Does the aim of the program help in protecting against any hazards?Does the motivated persons behavior influence others as well?By what means does the program approach to the community?Are the programs carried out by this intervention based on any evidence?Is the intervention support by any government policy?Does the intervention focus on building healthy public health policy?
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